MOCEJ 开展了一系列计划,以提高整个城市建筑物的弹性和能源效率,保护我们今天和未来的建筑物。
纽约市拥有超过 100 万座建筑物,从单户住宅和公寓楼到工业仓库和商业摩天大楼。这些建筑释放的温室气体排放量约占纽约市总温室气体排放量的三分之二,这使得建筑能效举措成为纽约市实现碳中和之路的关键组成部分。纽约市的建筑物也受到洪水和高温风险的影响。
MOCEJ 开展了一系列计划,以提高整个城市建筑物的弹性和能源效率,保护我们今天和未来的建筑物。
The New York City Mayor’s Office of Climate & Environmental Justice (MOCEJ) is proposing to add a new Chapter 23 to Title 43 of the Rules of the City of New York to establish a re-grant program to implement a New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) grant. The re-grant program will be administered by a contractor with guidance from MOCEJ. This proposed rule codifies the criteria and procedures that will be used to select re-grantees and control the distribution of awards. Re-grantees will receive funds to perform energy efficiency upgrades or conduct community campaigns to advance energy efficiency.