Technical Working Group - NYC Mayor's Office of Climate and Environmental Justice
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At the beginning of 2015, the City of New York (City) convened a Buildings Technical Working Group (TWG) that brought together dozens of leaders from a world-class real estate industry, architects, engineers, labor unions, academics, affordable housing experts, and environmental advocates to provide industry expertise needed to develop the right mix of policies and programs for new and existing buildings. This collaboration was, and continues to be, crucial to place the City on the pathway to an 80 percent reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050 (80 x 50). The TWG was supported by a technical study to evaluate current energy use patterns across building sectors and model the potential impacts of policies and scenarios that were recommended by the TWG. These recommendations and analyses were put together in a final report that builds upon One City: Built to Last.




当我们把我们的声音、我们的行动和我们的倡导带入学校、我们的家庭和我们的工作场所时,我们可以为居住在五个行政区的 830 万人民创造一个更加可持续、更具韧性的未来。

