Cool Neighborhoods NYC
A Comprehensive Approach to Keep Communities Safe in Extreme Heat
In 2017 the City released its first heat resiliency plan, Cool Neighborhoods NYC, a set of strategies and programs with almost $100M worth of investments that increased the City’s tree canopy, developed climate-risk training programs for community partners, and expanded cool roofs and other building scale investments to the City’s most heat vulnerable communities. All these investments have been guided Heat Vulnerability Index, which is a tool grounded in climate and racial justice that identifies what communities are most at risk to extreme heat. Since 2017 the City has continued to build on the work of Cool Neighborhoods to ensure New Yorkers are prepared for the summer.
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When we bring our voices, our action, and our advocacy to our schools, our homes, and our workplaces, we can create a more sustainable and resilient future for the 8.3 million people who call our five boroughs home.
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