PlaNYC: Getting Sustainability Done - NYC Mayor's Office of Climate and Environmental Justice
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New York City has been a leader on climate action since the release of the first PlaNYC 16 years ago, and today our leadership is more necessary than ever. Climate change has shifted from a threat on the horizon to a recurring aspect of our weather with impacts felt disproportionately in vulnerable communities – leading to hundreds of preventable deaths every year. At the same time, the benefits of climate action are increasingly clear in cleaner air, better mobility, safer homes, and growing green jobs and businesses. Responding to and preparing for climate change means improvements to our daily lives today, and a future that is more equitable, healthy, and resilient.


当我们把我们的声音、我们的行动和我们的倡导带入学校、我们的家庭和我们的工作场所时,我们可以为居住在五个行政区的 830 万人民创造一个更加可持续、更具韧性的未来。
