Integrating New York City’s 2019 Citywide and Consumption Based Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories - NYC Mayor's Office of Climate and Environmental Justice
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Integrating New York City’s 2019 Citywide and Consumption Based Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories

The City of New York has partnered with C40, American Express, and EcoDataLab to develop a Consumption-Based Emissions Inventory (CBEI) that estimates the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated by the consumption of average New York City households.

This report was published in 2023.


当我们把我们的声音、我们的行动和我们的倡导带入学校、我们的家庭和我们的工作场所时,我们可以为居住在五个行政区的 830 万人民创造一个更加可持续、更具韧性的未来。
