Transportation - NYC Mayor's Office of Climate and Environmental Justice
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Veiller à ce que les New-Yorkais disposent d'options de transport durables plus nombreuses et de meilleure qualité

Transportation is the life blood of the City, enabling 8.3 million New Yorkers to commute, reside, and recreate across the five boroughs. Our vast transit system, coupled with our density, has enabled our sustained growth, advanced health equity, and allowed us to maintain a smaller per capita carbon footprint than any other big city in the United States. Our transportation goals are to avoid trips we don’t need, shift those trips we do need to lower-carbon modes, and improve existing infrastructure and technology to enable even greater emission reductions.

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When we bring our voices, our action, and our advocacy to our schools, our homes, and our workplaces, we can create a more sustainable and resilient future for the 8.3 million people who call our five boroughs home.

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